Learn about the fast BOD tester

BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand), according to the national standard interpretation, BOD refers to biochemical
Oxygen demand refers to the dissolved oxygen consumed by microorganisms in the biochemical Chemical process of decomposing some oxidizable substances in water under specified conditions.
The impact of BOD: Domestic sewage and industrial wastewater contain a large amount of various organic compounds. When these organic substances decompose in the water after polluting the water, they consume a large amount of dissolved oxygen, thereby disrupting the balance of oxygen in the water, deteriorating the water quality, and causing the death of fish and other aquatic organisms due to hypoxia. The organic compounds contained in water bodies are complex and difficult to determine for each component. People often use the oxygen consumed by organic matter in water under certain conditions to indirectly express the content of organic matter in water, and Biochemical oxygen demand is one of such important indicators. It also reflects the biodegradability of organic compounds in wastewater.
What is BOD5: (BOD5) refers to the amount of dissolved oxygen consumed when the sample is incubated in a dark place at (20 ± 1) ℃ for 5 days ± 4 hours.
Microbial electrode is a sensor that combines microbial technology with electrochemical detection technology. It mainly consists of a dissolved oxygen electrode and a immobilized microbial film tightly attached to its breathable membrane surface. The principle of responding to BOD substances is that when it is inserted into a substrate without B0D substances at a constant temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration, due to the certain respiratory activity of microorganisms, the dissolved oxygen molecules in the substrate diffuse into the oxygen electrode through the microbial membrane at a certain rate, and the microbial electrode outputs a steady-state current; If the BOD substance is added to the bottom solution, the molecule of the substance will diffuse into the microbial membrane together with the oxygen molecule. Because the microorganism in the membrane will Anabolism the BOD substance and consume oxygen, the oxygen molecule entering the oxygen electrode will be reduced, that is, the diffusion rate will be reduced, the output current of the electrode will be reduced, and it will fall to a new steady value within a few minutes. Within the appropriate range of BOD concentration, there is a linear relationship between the decrease in electrode output current and BOD concentration, while there is a quantitative relationship between BOD concentration and BOD value. Therefore, based on the decrease in current, the BOD of the tested water sample can be determined.
LH-BODK81 Biological Chemical oxygen demand BOD microbial sensor rapid tester,compared with traditional BOD measurement methods, this new type of optical sensor has many advantages. Firstly, traditional BOD measurement methods require a long cultivation process, usually taking 5-7 days, while new sensors only take a few minutes to complete the measurement. Secondly, traditional measurement methods require a large amount of chemical reagents and glass instruments, while new sensors do not require any reagents or instruments, reducing experimental costs and manpower investment. In addition, traditional BOD measurement methods are susceptible to environmental conditions such as temperature and light, while new sensors can measure in various environments and respond quickly to changes.
Therefore, this new type of optical sensor has broad application prospects. In addition to being used in the field of water quality monitoring, this sensor can also be used in various fields such as food, medicine, environmental protection, and organic matter detection in laboratory teaching.

Post time: Jun-19-2023